Mushrooms Ate
My Furniture

Made from natural wood infused with mushroom spawn, the bench is designed to naturally decompose when placed outdoors.

Everything dies eventually. What, then, would be a beautiful death for a product?”

This garden furniture piece embraces the principles of Cradle-to-Cradle design, drawing inspiration from the natural world. Crafted from natural wood embedded with mushrooms' spawn, it offers a unique symbiotic relationship with the environment. As time passes and the furniture is exposed to the elements, mushrooms will grow and coexist with the piece, gradually consuming the wood for sustenance. This gradual decay and transformation of the furniture into nutrients for the mushrooms exemplify the concept of giving life back to nature.

The "mushroom chair" has gained recognition through features in design books, magazines, and websites, as well as exhibitions in Stockholm, Berlin, Milan, Taipei, and Los Angeles. It showcases the beauty of sustainable design, seamlessly blending aesthetics and ecological principles.

2011 'INSTANT DESIGN. part two' in Milan Triennale Design Museum
2011 'SOUP! Green, good and honest Design' in DECOoh! fair inspiration square at Brussels Expo
2010 'ASIA NOW' in DWELL ON DESIGN design week, Los Angeles
2009 'Beautiful Death' in DMY Youngster, Berlin Design Festival
2009 'Beautiful Death' in Green House, Stockholm Furniture Fair, Sweden